Who I am

My website address is: https://www.lottimarco.eu. This site has informative, informative and educational purposes, and uses the data provided through contact forms in order to allow you to communicate with me and request information. This site does not sell products or services, nor do commercial transactions take place.

Your personal data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

  • Contact you to respond to your requests for information
    • Modulo di contatto -> Dati Personali raccolti: cognome; email; nome; messaggio di testo.
  • Allow you to interact with external social networks
    • Pulsante Mi Piace e widget sociali di Facebook, Pulsante Tweet e widget sociali di Twitter, Pulsante e widget sociali di LinkedIn e Whatsapp -> Dati Personali raccolti: Dati di utilizzo; Strumento di Tracciamento
  • Statistics about viewing and interacting with the website
    • Google Analytics e MonsterInsights -> Dati Personali: Dati di utilizzo; Strumento di Tracciamento

Personal Data is freely provided by the user via the contact forms or, in the case of usage data, collected automatically when using this site.

Any use of Cookies - or other tracking tools - by the provider of this site (Aruba) or by the owners of third party services used by this site, unless otherwise specified, is intended to provide the service requested by the user, in addition to the additional purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy of the site provider and third party services.

The user assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through this site and guarantees to have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability to third parties.

Contact info

  • Website Data Controller: Dr. Marco Lotti, presso Chirurgia Generale, Ospedale Fatebenefratelli Oftalmico, piazzale Principessa Clotilde 3 – 20121 Milano.
  • email: info@lottimarco.eu

Comments and Media

This is a consultation and information website, and does not require visitors to leave comments or upload media on it.


Third party cookies

Google Analytics and MonsterInsights

This website uses Google Analytics, a web service provided by Google that allows you to analyze statistics on visitors to a website. It also uses MonsterInsights plug-in from Google Analytics. 

The data generated by Google Analytics are stored by Google which is the guarantor according to what is reported in its information page and in its guidelines. The user can choose to disable Google Analytics while browsing using the browser add-on.

MonsterInsights' privacy policy can be viewed at the following link

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this website may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). The content embedded from other websites behave in exactly the same way as if the visitor had visited the other website.

These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, integrate additional third-party tracking and monitor your interaction with them, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are connected to those websites.

Google RECAPTCHA protection V3

Google's ReCaptcha v3 tool serves to make websites safer, helping owners to deny access to malicious users, spam systems and bots that have the sole interest in posting fake reviews or links to malicious sites . To consult the privacy policy and the terms of service of Google you can click the ReCaptcha Badge at the bottom right of the page.

Who I share your data with

The Data Controller does not share the data sent by users through the contact forms with other websites. The data are used for the sole purpose of recontacting users. Messages sent via contact forms can be checked through an automatic spam detection service.

How long your data is kept

If you use a contact form, the data provided is kept indefinitely. This is how I can recognize and any subsequent comments and ensure continuity to the responses.

User Data is collected to allow the Owner to provide the Service, comply with legal obligations, respond to requests or executive actions, protect their rights and interests (or those of Users or third parties), identify any malicious activities or fraudulent, as well as for the following purposes: Statistics, Contacting the User and Interaction with external social networks and platforms.

What rights do you have on your data

You can request to receive a list with the personal data you have provided via the contact forms. You can also request the deletion of all personal data concerning you. This does not include any data we are required to keep for administrative, legal or security purposes. For third-party cookies, please refer to the paragraph above.
