The Advanced and Minimally Invasive Surgical Oncology project was born from my desire to give a solution to complex surgical problems, combining the skills of Surgical Oncology, Minimally Invasive Surgery and Emergency and Trauma Surgery that I achieved during my professional life.

Surgical Oncology, a discipline that, through the knowledge of the natural history of tumors, of the alternative therapies available and the oncological criteria for the correct execution of resective surgical interventions, warrants the best treatment path, shared and personalized, for each individual patient.

Minimally Invasive Surgery,intended not only as operating with small cuts, but as the ability to perform surgery effectively and more efficiently by means of modern endoscopic techniques, reducing surgical trauma while respecting the patient's integrity and the radicality of cancer surgery.

Emergency and Trauma Surgery, because over the years it develops the necessary aptitude to make decisions quickly, in complex situations and in the most disparate scenarios.

The project, which I developed in the years 2012-2013, saw its first realization with the establishment in 2014 of theAdvanced Surgical Oncology Unit of the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo (Italy), that I described in my article and of which documentation is available in my Surgical Education Resources page, on my YouTube and on WebSurg, the reference site for e-learning in minimally invasive surgery.

In October 2020 I decided to bring my project to Milan, at the Division of General Surgery of the Fatebenefratelli Oftalmico Hospital directed by Prof. M.A. Zappa, where I moved.

With my experience in Advanced and Minimally Invasive Surgical Oncology I give advice and surgical therapy for the following topics:

  • Surgery of the Peritoneum and Peritoneal Carcinomatosis
  • Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy - HIPEC by means of the Laparoscopy-Enhanced (LE-HIPEC) technique
  • Minimally Invasive and Open Surgery of Colon and Rectal Cancer
  • Minimally Invasive and Open Surgery of Gastric Cancer
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Adrenals and Paraganglia
  • Surgery of GISTs and Neuroendocrine Tumors of the digestive tract
  • Surgery of the Mesentery
  • Artificial Enteral Nutrition Routes (Gastrostomy - Jejunostomy)
  • Combined interventions, with other specialties (Gynecology, Urology)
  • Emergency surgery of tumor complications (perforated tumor, intestinal obstruction)
  • Surgery of Recurrence of cancer

For a consultation request, please send your email to the following address:
